Wise Woman Herbal Ezine
May 2004
Volume 4 Number 5

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What's Inside Weed Wanderings this Month...


Anti-Cancer Lifestyle ...

A Morning Walk
by Astrid Grove

Exercise - It's Good Medicine!
by Derek Beech

A Morning Walk
by Astrid Grove

Full moon in Scorpio invoked my energy last night as I tossed and turned, the bluish hue of her mighty gaze shining on me and into me through my bedroom window. Each awakening bringing me awareness of tensions I hold, of hidden thoughts, and buried creativity. It awakens me and enlivens me and helps me to remember what is real and what is true.

Art by Sue Orchant Arising at dawn to blue skies and sunshine I feel fully energized and a bit giddy, even with so little sleep…partly due to the lunar energy and partly due to my first spring feast of fresh nettle soup (Urtica dioca) last night. Also, today is a special day for me. I will spend the day doing whatever I am called to do. I rise to morning yoga, bathing, and breakfast.

After morning chores I get bundled up in my long underwear and sweaters. Even though it is the first week of April, it is still chilly outside. It is a perfect spring morning full of the splendor that this time of year brings. The sap is rising, some bulbs are blooming and others are sprouting. There is a single crocus in the lawn…good morning!

As I descend the steps, my consciousness is altered, the sun kisses my cheek, the wind rustles my hair, and my feet touch the earth. It is good to be alive.

I walk a few steps and notice the daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) stalks are already a few inches tall. I squat down and snap off a stalk flush with the earth. I peel the outer leaves off and nibble the inner stalk. So fresh and delicious, a wonderful addition to salad and soup. I am aware to not eat very many because they can give me funky digestion (if you know what I mean).

My house sits on a paved road. It is not very well traveled for which I am thankful. Across the road from my house there is a hill, lots of forest, and a stream. Actually right now there is an additional small stream that exists to help bring melted snow down from the mountain.

Art by Sue OrchantAlong this stream I munch on daisy leaves (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), watercress (Nasturtium officinale), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and dandelion leaves (Taraxacum officinale). The daisy leaves are sweet, the watercress is spicy, the sheep sorrel is tangy, and the dandelion leaves are simply delightful and ever-so-slightly bitter.

Wow, I have only walked a few hundred feet and feasted abundantly on the wild plants under my feet!
I am going to head into the woods now, up along the larger stream. Within moments violet (Viola species) greets me with her shiny heart-shaped leaves. I enjoy her slippery sweetness.

I trot up the trail with my feline companion Shady (she enjoys hiking with me, she runs up trees and hops from tree to tree and chases leaves). I munch on hemlock tree needles (Tsuga canadensis) and pine tree needles (Pinus strobus). They are a refreshing snack and high in vitamin C.

I make it up to a very special spot, a small waterfall with mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) growing on the banks. She is my plant ally this year. There is also a huge rose quartz rock gracing this spot. The fairies live here. They teach me and I listen:

The water flows
with love,
with purpose
and with strength,
as do you sweet sister,
always remember.

I lay there listening and drift off to sleep, for how long I do not know…one never knows in fairy land.

Until next time…blessed weed walking to all and to all an abundant spring!

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Exercise - It's Good Medicine!

by Derek Beech

The positive benefits from exercise are impressive.

- decreased blood pressure, cholesterol and fat
- a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes
- an increase in daily energy and self esteem
- protection against osteoporosis (brittle bones)
- reduced stress and anxiety, resulting in a lower risk of depression
- and most importantly of course, and increased lifespan.

If you are just beginning a new exercise program it will take about 6 to 8 weeks for the results to be measurable, but you will start feeling a lot better about yourself within 2 to 3 weeks.

Exercising will release endorphins in the brain, causing you to become calmer and less stressed out. It has been proven that a persons heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension all increase when a person is under stress, it has also been proven that all of the above items decrease when we stick to a regular exercise program.

Be careful in the beginning though and do not add undue stress into your life by choosing an exercise program that you do not like or by setting unrealistic goals for yourself.

Start slowly if you need to, walk just 10 minutes a day if you have not been exercising for awhile. Remember to stretch your muscles before and after your workout. If you do not have time to join a gym then be more active in doing what you already do everyday. Clean the house more often, extra yard work, invite that friend you have for a walk instead of the usual morning coffee at the table.

Enjoy being more active, in the long run your body will thank you for it..

Wishing you success in all your health and fitness goals.

Derek Beech

by Spider
Spider weaves the tales of Women's Mysteries in the remembrance of Moon Lodge celebrations based on Taino teachings. Through this book, she shares the dreams of the Grandmothers with all people ready to honor the Earth and Her cycles.

softcover: 7" x 9", 219 pages,
Illustrated by Tenanche Semiata-Akuaba;

"It was a pleasure to read Spider's book! As Sound and Rhythm hold the Uniworld together, so do the Songs of Bleeding hold within them the heriitage of Women's Mysteries. On of the most important contributions that Songs of Bleeding teaches us is the aspect of Honor... Honoring our Grandmothers' wisdom, our Moon time and our history as Women. Nyah Weh Scanno!" -
Grandmother Twylah Nitsch Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge

219 pages

Order SONGS of BLEEDING in our Bookshop

read about another book by Spider Katie's Journey - MoonLodge Dreams


The Cervix: Gateway to Life - 1 CD

Elements of Herbalism: Harvesting - 2 CD set

Susun Weed at Women’s Herbal Conference '07

Covers healthy cervix and cervical distresses, including PAP smears, HPV infections and treatments, and lots more. 1 CD (80 min)

$12.50 plus shipping

Order The Cervix: Gateway to Life CD in our Bookshop




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