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Explore below for articles, links, stories, recipes, and more Wise Woman wit & wisdom.






Menopause Metamorphosis

Menopausal Art Gallery
Cessation of Menses
Three Phases of Menopause
Taking Hormones? Herbs to Help
Discover the Six Steps of Healing
Bladder Infections - Helpful Hints
Fibromyalgia - What to Know
Building Better Bones - Naturally
Relief from Digestive Distress
Hairy Problems - What to Do
Help for Emotional Uproar
Improve Your Memory
Kundalini Meditation
Menopause is Enlightenment
Interstitial Cystitis

New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way --  click to enter the bookshop
Order It Now!
Read the Review

Letter to Susun,
By being who you are, it gives other women "permission" to live and be beautiful in their own way. Thank you. Having recently read your books and seen your metapause video, I am blown away. Because all the quiet but powerful thoughts, beliefs, feelings etc that I have had for years are suddenly validated as real and not "on the fringes".

AT 50 my menopause stage now is one of isolation bordering on meltdown. Tho there are rough spots, it is the best, most promising time of my life. It is so liberating to know that what I have been going through is not odd. I have
no one I can speak to about any of this, so finding out about your work has been a divine gift and loving proof that the universe has many ways of nurturing us. We can trust in provision.

Many thanks, you are a beautiful person. You are a testimonial to the fact that women at our age can be young, healthy, beautiful and alive looking and being. The power contained in your work of art - yourself- is awesome!

Love, sunshine moondust and starlit skies

Learn more about Susun's books


Correspondence Courses - Special Offer!

Achieve Instant Calm - The Wise Woman Way

Mammograms - Who needs them?

8 Steps for a Woman Dancing with Cancer

Journey Through Menopause by Doug Blackburn

Interview with Susun Weed by Spiraldancer
Witchcraft Magazine Australia - Dec 2001

Becoming an Herbalist - Susun Weed's Autobiography

Weed's Press Kit - Includes 20 articles, bio, and more

Check out Susun's Publicity Schedule

Natural Healing and the Wise Woman Way
RADIO INTERVIEW by Miss Joan Marie Moossy

~ Be Your Own Herbal Expert ~

Part 1 - Listen to the Plant Spirits...

Part 2 - Herbal Infusions? Yes, please!

Part 3 - Know Your Plants before using them.

Part 4 - How to Make Herbal Tinctures

Part 5 - Herbal Vinegars

Part 6 - Herbal Oils, Infused vs. Essential

Part 7 - Three Traditions of Healing

Part 8 - Healing Sweets

How to make an infusion

(check here often for new articles)

What's New in Breast Health

Seven Medicines

Spearmint - a Natural Antimigraine Remedy

Vibrant Health on a Tightwad Budget

Just Say No to SyntheticVitamins & Processed Foods

Endometriosis: A Holistic Healing Guide

The Web of Life

Prevention and Treatment of Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Hysterectomy – The Alleged Quick Fix with Lasting Consequences

Using Herbs Simply and Safely



Wise Woman Ways to Boost Your Energy


Quit Smoking NOW - heart healthy hints for you!!

DEPRESSED? Wise Woman Ways offer a helping hand

YARROW - Historical Lore, Legends, and Uses

Learn about VITEX - A Supreme hormonal tonic for women

helpful herbal hints by Susun Weed

Discover herbs that ease anxiety and fear
motherwort, nettles, oatstraw, and Susun Weed

Susun Weed reveals herbs that help in times of crisis
Interview by Maralyn Lois Polak


Susun Weed translated into German:
Die Sieben Flüsse des Heilens: Übersicht
Übersetzt von Gitta Wolf
Seven Rivers of Healing

Susun Weed Articles
translated into Bulgarian:

Билки, които помагат при бременност
Herbal Allies for Pregnancy Problems


Susun Weed Article
translated into French:

Nourishing Herbal Infusions


Susun Weed Articles
translated into Spanish

Traducción de Carmen Valenzuela-Cervantes

Las algas marinas.

Aventuras herbarias con Susun Weed. Cuarta parte.
Herbal Adventures with Susun S Weed
- part 4 - St. Joans Wort

Cuerpo y espíritu.
Un verde San Valentín.

Green Valentine

Aventuras herbarias en Provenza con Susun Weed.
Herbal Adventures with Susun S Weed
Susun Weed in Provence part 2

Las malas hierbas de tu jardín…¡Cómetelas!
Weeds in your garden? Bite back!

¿Estás deprimida?
La Mujer Sabia te puede echar una mano.
Depressed? Wise Woman Ways Offer a Helping Hand

La agripalma-Leonurus cardiaca

Alimentos silvestres para mujeres sabias.

Jugando con las hadas.
Frolicking with the Fairies

Curar sabiamente…
Las misteriosas setas

Mysterious Mushrooms

Una abundancia de verde.
An Abundance of Greens

Aceite de hierbas. Infusión de hierbas en aceite.
Herbal Oil Infusion: Making Infused Oils

Un paseo de hierbas en primavera, con Susun Weed.
Spring Weed Walk

Hierbas para aliviar la ansiedad y el miedo
Herbs that Ease Anxiety and Fear

El cenizo - Chenopodium album
Lamb's quarter

La canela, el cardamomo y la nuez moscada.
Cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg

La familia de las Poaceas-hierbas
Poacea family

Auto masaje de pechos.
Breast massage

Salud de pecho..Pechos arcanos
(Ancient Breast)

Fatiga y cambios de humor.
Fatigue and mood changes

El papanicolao
Pap smear

Recuperarse de una violación.
Healing from Rape

Los misterios de la sangre
Blood Mystery

Vivir generosamente, a la manera de la mujer sabia.
Living Generously

La familia de las liliáceas – la familia del lirio

El llantén

Ahora, recuerda el romero.
Now Remember Rosemary

Curar sabiamente. Nuestros problemas como aliados.
Healing wise. Seeing our problems as allies

Diez consejos para las mujeres con síndrome premenstrual
Ten Tips for Women with PMS

La medicina de la gente: hierbas para brujas
People's Medicine: Herbs for Hags

Hierbas para el dolor de estómago,
úlceras y acidez de estómago.
Herbs for Those with Stomach Aches, Ulcers, and Heartburn

Salud y curación naturales en la Tradición de la Mujer Sabia.
Natural Health and Healing in the Wise Woman Tradition

Problemas digestivos.
Digestive distress

Formas de mejorar los huesos
Building Better Bones

Turbulencias de ánimo.
Emotional Uproar

El dolor de cabeza/migraña.

La familia de las Asteráceas
The Asteracea family

Las tres tradiciones de la curación
The three traditions of healing

Aventuras herbarias en Provenza.La granilla (Phytolacca americana)
Herbal adventures in Provence- Poke

Las siete medicinas
Seven medicines

Los años de la menopausia, a la manera de la mujer sabia
Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way

Síndrome de ovarios poliquísticos
Syndrome of ovaries poliqu ísticos


Curar sabiamente...Resfriados fríos y resfriados calientes
Hot colds and cold colds

Logra la calma instantánea – a la manera de la mujer sabia
Achieve Instant Calm - The Wise Woman Way

Energía y estamina a la manera de la mujer sabia
Energy and stamina -The Wise Woman Way

La tradición de la Mujer Sabia es una espiral
The Wise Woman Tradition is a Spiral

Mi estilo de vida anti-cáncer
My Anti-Cancer Lifestyle

Ocho pasos para la mujer que baila con cáncer
Eight Steps for A Woman Dancing With Cancer

Las mamografías no sirven para detectar el cáncer
Mammograms are inaccurate

Los seis pasos de la curación
The Six Steps of Healing

Remedios de hierbas y caseros
para prevenir la pérdida de la memoria

Herbal and Home Remedies That Prevent Memory Loss

Los años de la Menopausia
Hot Flashes


Contact Carmen Valenzuela-Cervantes




"Green sources of calcium are the best. Nourishing herbs and garden weeds are far richer in minerals than ordinary greens, which are already exceptional sources of nutrients...But calcium from green sources alone is not enough. We need calcium from white sources as well. Add a quart of yogurt a week to your diet if you want really healthy bones." pp.28-29

Read the review

Three Traditions of Healing

Six Steps of Healing

Blood Mysteries

see it in the BOOKSHOP!


Meet the Grandmother of Herbal Medicine:

Juliette de Bairacli Levy

author of classic herbals including:


Juliette of the Herbs Collection
This collection includes three great herbal medicine books plus one video by Juliette de Bairacli Levy, the "grandmother of herbal medicine."
Click here to learn more.

remedies for stings
excerpt from Common Herbs for Natural Health



care to contribute?

Red by Karen Murphy

The Story of the Moon Goddess by Trudelle Thomas

The Healing Power of Kirtan by Carol Venable

Spiritual Techniques by Amitabh Dixit

Waxing moon, August 2007 - In Memorium - for Grandma Twy

Garlic by Kristena Roder

Menopause is Enlightenment in German by Katharina Kroeber

Is My Baby Getting Enough? by Jill Diana Chasse

Earth-Friendly Organic Halloween Makeup by D.A. Colvin

The Silver Fox by Luz, daughter of Juliette de Bairacli Levy

Eating Local by Kristena Roder

Lavender - A Delight to the Senses by Katherine J. Turcotte

Nurturing Ourselves by Anna Jarrett

Playing with Fire by Mama Donna Henes

What Is Goddess Spirituality? by The Beltane Papers Collective

Being Woman by Sophia Breillat

Breast Health - Race for the Cure by Marleen M. Quint

Healing Wise - review by Tami Brady

The Presence Process - review by Angela Hutchison

Your Soul Journey by Sri Param Eswaran

Star - The Tibetan Terrier by Adrien Amadeo

In the Midst of Her Grace by Lisa Sarasohn

Your Inner Warrior Goddess by Christine Thomas

Sky Voice & Snowy Owl by Waynonaha Two Worlds

The Yoga of Life by Agantuk

A story of Animal Communication by Adrien Amadeo

New Spirituality from an Ancient Time by sHEALy

Radiant Woman by Maggie Erotokritou

Path of the Green Witch by Suzan Stone Sierralupe

Wise Blood Moon Rite by Spiraldancer

Memory of Apples by Grandmother Two Worlds

7 Directions Movement Meditation by Whitefeather

The Lost Language of Plants by Stephen H. Buhner

The Butterfly Dancers by Waynonaha Two Worlds

Song Of Each New Sun by Spider

Ecological menstrual products are here
by Julia

Being a sexual vibrant Horny woman - by Demetria

Clary Sage for PeriMenopause by Debra Mauldin

Intention: the secret to success by Jane Latimer

Herbs and Spirit Power by Gail Faith Edwards

I ate weeds for lunch on Monday! by Candace

Wildcrafting Guidelines by Jessica Godino

Crones Unlimited - Interview with Kara Jones

Chickweed is the Cure for Allergies! by Della

Understanding Menopause Ayurvedically by Jean Clark

Finding the Wise Woman in Me - by Vidyadhara

My Spirit Visits with Chickweed - by Sue

I love my Wise Woman Herbal Series - by Kathy

Surround Yourself with Lavender - by Debra Mauldin

BURN YOUR BRA - bras and breast disease timeline

Using Your Menstrual Blood Power to heal the Planet

Moon Cycles of the Maya - by Penny Valladares

A Love Affair with Weeds - by Linda Jean Shepherd

How to Become Perfect - by Grandmother Two Worlds

Grandmother's NEW site - lots of great stories and more!

Message from Hopi Elders
- there are things to be considered

Stalking the Edible Wild Mushroom with the "Mushroom Man"

NEVER GIVE UP - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

- Mother Teresa
Catholic Nun, Missionary
Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
Wise Woman



Healing Movies on DVD








Wise Woman Tradition

a Community Weblog

Wise Woman Community Weblog

The Wise Woman Tradition is accessible Herbalism that is the “people's medicine,” not requiring experts to give us the advice and information we need. ...

 with host Susun Weed
30 minute interviews on-demand or download MP3

Archived Interviews

Complete Schedule for
Wise Woman Radio





open all night long...



Weed Wanderings
Herbal Ezine by Susun Weed

Free Newsletter- Join Now!


Please add me to your mailing list.
Your site is incredible! So informative and inspiring! Thank you for the time and energy it takes to maintain it so that we can all share the knowledge! I was blessed to be guided to it today and have sent a link to my is powerful work that you do.

, Jan

Take a Journey to the MOONLODGE

Brewing Infusion ???
Click here to learn how



Art Gallery Index

October 2018 Art of Lauren Curtis
September 2018 Artist Carolina Gonzalez
August 2018 E. Tobin Eckian
July 2018 Artist Shauna Caldwell
June 2018 Xicana artist Rosatzin
May 2018 Soulflower by Lisa Estabrook
April 2018 Second Nature Project Jody Dunphy
March 2018 Earthy Imaginations by Erin Dobell
February 2018 Art by Susan Dancer
January 2018 Artist Marie Gipson
December 2017 Art by Juliene & June Logan
November 2017 Metal artist Andrea Russell
October 2017 Artist Shakaya Leone
September 2017 Artist Rebekah Dawn
August 2017 Art of Lauren Curtis
July 2017 Art of Flo Schell
June 2017 The Art of Deb Miller 2
May 2017 Artist Carolina Gonzalez
April 2017 The Art of Tracy Douglas
March 2017 Avie Perez
February 2017 Deb Miller
January 2017 Roslyne Sophia Breillat
November 2016 Lori Hlavsa
September 2016 Cindy Thorrington Haggerty
July 2016 Kathy Crabbe
May 2016 Sue Miller
March 2016 Gaia Orion
February 2016 Martina Hoffmann P2
November 2015 Martina Hoffmann
October 2015 Monica Sjöö
September 2015 Martina Santarsiero
July 2015 Cindy Maus
May 2015 Beth Budesheim
March 2015 SheilaLynnK
February 2015 Myrea Pettit
November 2014 Carol Ochs
October 2014 Mollie Kellogg
September 2014 France Garrido
July 2014 Vixie Styx
May 2014 Sherri Varrieur
April 2014 Jody Coughlin
March 2014 Lisa Forester
February 2014 Flo Schell
January 2014 Carolina Gonzalez
December 2013 Francene Hart
October 2013 Tracy Douglas
August 2013 Monica Stadalski
July 2013 Eleanor Leonne Bennett
June 2013 Kathy Crabbe
May 2013 Lauren Curtis
April 2013 Con Artist
March 2013 Gaia Orion
February 2013 Judy Mastrangelo
July11 Annett E. Bank
June11 Kerry O. Furlani
May11 K Robins
April11 Julie Fain
March11 Melissa Harris
February11 Ani Rose Whaleswan
January11 Jane Priser



"For more than a million years Wise Woman have used herbs--gathered, eaten, tended, loved herbs--and taught their daughters the wisdom of herbs in the childbearing year." Introduction

Read the review

Visit this book in the BOOKSHOP

"Making your own medicines saves you money if you follow the Wise Woman Tradition of using local herbs, free for the taking. Even one day's work in field, forest, and kitchen can provide you with many years' worth of medicines. When you make your own, you know for sure what's in it, where it came from, when and how it was harvested, and how fresh and potent it is." p. 121, Herbal Pharmacy


Herbal Birth Control

Feeling Frisky? Herbs for Fertility!

Herbal Allies for Pregnancy Problems

Fertility After Forty - Yes You Can

Fertility Dances






The Wise Woman Way

Visit this book in the Bookshop

Breast-Friendly Links:




Easy Homemade Yogurt

Making Herbal Vinegar

How to Make an Infusion

Stinging Nettle Pharmacy

Ginger Compress

Yarrow Skin Wash

Plantain Ointment

Stinging Nettle Pharmacy (cosmetic, not food, recipes)

Nourish Yourself with Infusion

Nettle Beer

Violet Syrup


Instant Joy

Anti-Radiation Easy Meal

Garlic Toast

3 Seaweed Recipes

5 Burdock Recipes

Oatstraw (cosmetic, medicinal, and food)

Weeds in Your Garden - Bite Back

Nutrition - the Wise Woman Way

Great Recipes from Marie Summerwood Sweet Earth Soup, Red Lentil Pate, Ginger Sea Sauce, Sauerkraut Souce, Arame Dressed Up

Sea-Miso Soup, Wieldy Fajitoids, Hiziki Cookies

from Maida Silverman's "A City Herbal"
Blackberry - syrup, cordial, vinegar, and tea

Red Clover - syrup, tea

from Juliette de Bairacli Levy's "Nature's Children"
Garlic Butter

Almond Milk, Hazelnut Biscuits, Carrot Flan, Oat Tart with Date filling

from A.J. Ahlberg-Venezia
Dirty Roots (Burdock and Dandelion)

Nettles and Seaweed

Moon Stew by Avia Kelly

Persimmon Pudding by Pamela Hobson

Winter Squash Soup with Ginger and Root Stew from Lori Nicolosi

Calabacitas with Herbed Crema by Jessica Prentice


Catnip Pesto will keep you purring

Love Garlic? She loves you!

Native American Corn Pudding

Immune A-Go-Go Soup

Nutrition - the Wise Woman Way

Dandelion Wine à la Laughing Rock

Free Online Education
Learn to listen to your body, and the plant spirits, and the green goddess mother earth herself. Discover herbal medicine and spirit healing with Susun Weed. Use this information to become self-empowered; reclaim your personal power through knowledge and action. Remember the ways of the Wise Woman; help us to reweave the healing cloak of the ancients!
YES, I want to learn more now.


The Friendship Garden Poem

honor your belly

Belly Queen and author of
"The Woman's Belly Book"


Susun Weed's "It's Time"

Wise Woman Center
25th Anniversary Celebration CD


to hear all the songs, read lyrics
learn about the artists

Seaweed is an everyday miracle.

The benefits of including seaweed's optimum nourishment into your daily diet are extensive: increased longevity, enhanced immune functioning, revitalization of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, and nervous systems, and relief from minor aches and pains. Health benefits from a wise woman alliance with seaweed include glossier hair, more luminous skin, less digestive distress, renewed energy and stamina, rekindled sexual desires, and reawakened delight in life

"I am grateful for eating weeds, and I love cooking at the Wise Woman Center because the plants are truly loved and honored; I know we taste it in the food made from them. Food and eating are of supreme importance to our health on every level, and to the health of our cultures and our planet." ~ Marie Summerwood

Learn about Marie's love for cooking,

Here are some articles written by Marie:


Carolyn Dean



The Wise Woman Tradition encourages us to work towards good health from the inside out. And it helps us to remember that our healing choices influence not only ourselves but the entire planet.

Spirit and Practice of the Wise Woman Tradition

The Goddess is Alive in Every Woman

The Wise Woman Tradition is a Spiral

Having just read your article regarding the differences between the Scientific, Heroic and Wise Woman healing traditions, I suddenly understand something more about myself. I've often adhered to the thinking of the heroic tradition, blaming myself, my thoughts, feeling myself pathetic for not rising above mere physical illness. But my heart always told me something different. It is the reason why I love to nourish my family, spend time simply touching the plants in my herb garden, or breathing in the night air. Health is so much more than an absence of disease. I feel as if you've just given me permission to live as my heart tells me to. Thank you Susun. ~ Crystal

new! Susun Weed's
Herbal Medicine & Womens Health
Audio CD Series

Susun Weed's Herbal Medicine Audio CD Series




Hello Susun,

With great interest I’ve been reading your articles about the woman’s cycles and the herbs that are available to support them.

I would like to subscribe to your free E-zine Weed Wanderings so I can keep my knowledge up to date.

Thank you for all the work you put into this important issue and helping to raise consciousness to woman all over the world !

Go in love and light,
Willie (Netherlands)



"Now the time has come for us to recognize this invisible thread woven into our lives, this common thread that runs from our earliest foremothers to us, this thread of love and nurturance that can lead us out of the maze of planetary destruction, war and self-hatred." Susun Weed



download and share the message:




Sacred Women Chant

Let it in, let it go, round and round we flow
Weaving the web of women
Let it in, let it go, round and round we flow
Weaving the web of life

Wise Woman Center

Susun's One Day Workshops

Susun Weed Travel Schedule
Healing Intensives for Women
Your Day with Susun Weed
Shamanic Apprenticeships

Susun's Workshops
Wise Woman Center
Woodstock, NY

Fee: $75
~ Open to men and women ~   

April 30: Woodland Wonders: Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica and more.
May 1: Spring Tonics: Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch
May 21: Lyme: Prevention and help with poke, Hypericum, teasel, knotweed and more clover
May 22: Herbs in Your Garden Hands-on: Best herbs to plant; best weeds to "cultivate" (free plants)
June 11: Herbal Pain Relief: CBD, skullcap, poppies, St. Joan's wort, arnica, meditation, sweet clover
June 12: Anti-inflammatory Herbs: Soothing, cooling allies including linden, ginger, turmeric, willow
August 20: Holy Ferment Hands-on: Taste and make herbal wines, lacto-fermented sauerkraut, yogurt, moree
August 21: The Great Remedies Hands-on: Identify, harvest, prepare and use the greatest herbal remedies.
September 24: Mind Bending Plants Hands-ON: Magic mushrooms, psychedelic mints, deadly nightshades
September 25: Magical Plants Hands-On: Visionary herbs, pillows, flying oils, love potions
October 8: Seeds & Roots Hands-on: Amaranth, lamb's quarter, plantain, burdock, yellow dock, lots moree
October 9: Adaptogens Hands-on: Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens

These day-long workshops, run from 10 am to 5 pm, are taught outside among the plants. Includes talking stick ceremony, a weed walk, wild-food lunch, and instruction.

Please register by mail with a $25 deposit
and remember to give us your address or
fax number so we can confirm your place in
class and send you a map of our location.

by mail: Susun Weed
PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498


Your Day with Susun Weed

Any day, any time. Five hours: $500. In answer to your requests: a private five-hour day
with me, at my house or yours.
Enjoy the day of your dreams with up to four friends: a private consultation, a shamanic trance, a weed walk, or whatever you wish . . .

If we're at my home, lunch is included.


Moonlodge gatherings are free
and open to women of all ages. No need
to register; arrive between 6:45 and 7:15pm.
We sing, dance, pass the talking stick and
honor women’s wisdom. We will fax directions
and local accommodation list if you call
a week ahead and leave a message
on the answering machine
Please, No last minute calls!!

Visit our Moon Lodge page!!

Shamanic Apprenticeships

shamanic apprenticeships
Simple Apprenticeship

Green Goddess
One-Week Apprenticeship

Wise Woman
Live-Out Apprenticeships


Herbal medicine Ezines
for your reading pleasure!

July 2, 2024
June 12, 2024
May 15, 2024
April 17, 2024
March 14, 2024
February 13, 2024
January 10, 2024
January 3, 2024
December 19, 2023
December 12, 2023
November 21, 2023
October 10, 2023
September 19, 2023
September 12, 2023
August 15, 2023:
August 8, 2023
July 25, 2023
July 11, 2023
July 5, 2023
June 20, 2023
June 13, 2023
June 6, 2023
May 23, 2023:
May 16, 2023 May 9, 2023
April 25, 2023
April 11, 2023
April 4, 2023
March 21, 2023
March 14, 2023
March 7, 2023
February 14, 2023
February 7, 2023
January 24, 2023
January 17, 2023
January 3, 2023
December 27, 2022
December 13, 2022
December 6, 2022
November 29, 2022
November 22, 2022
November 8, 2022
October 11, 2022
October 4, 2022
September 13, 2022
September 6, 2022
August 23, 2022
August 9, 2022
July 12, 2022
June 7, 2022
May 10, 2022
April 26, 2022
April 12, 2022
March 8, 2022
February 22, 2022
February 8, 2022
January 11, 2022
December 21, 2021
December 14, 2021
December 7, 2021
November 8, 2021
November 15, 2021
November 22, 2021
October 5, 2021
October 12, 2021
October 19, 2021
September 21, 2021
September 14, 2021
September 7, 2021
September 1, 2021
August 18, 2021
August 3, 2021
July 27, 2021
July 20, 2021
July 13, 2021
July 6, 2021
June 22, 2021
June 15, 2021
June 8, 2021
June 2, 2021
May 19, 2021
May 11, 2021
May 5, 2021
May 3, 2021
April 20, 2021
April 13, 2021
April 6, 2021
March 23, 2021
March 9, 2021
March 3, 2021
February 16, 2021
January 26, 2021
January 12, 2021
December 1, 2020
November 17, 2020
November 10, 2020
October 27, 2020
September 29, 2020
September 22, 2020
September 15, 2020
September 8, 2020
August 31, 2020
August 11, 2020
July 22, 2020
July 14, 2020
July 8, 2020
June 25, 2020
June 16, 2020
June 11, 2020
June 2, 2020
May 20, 2020
May 14, 2020
May 5, 2020
April 28, 2020
April 21, 2020
April 14, 2020
April 7, 2020
March 25, 2020
March 10, 2020
February 26, 2020
February 7, 2020
January 16, 2020
January 6, 2020

You will learn about: herbal medicines you can grow or find, wild foods, natural ways of being healthy, and green witch secrets! Explore Wise Woman Ways for natural pregnancy,childbearing, breast health, and menopause. Share alternative medicine remedies for women's health and wellbeing. Get this month's issue Hot off the Press!!

Healing Movies on DVD

see our other Healing Movies on DVD

Hands On Herbal Medicine DVD
Botany for Herbalists DVD

Chronic Problems 2 DVD set
Wizard of Weeds DVD

Susun Weed
Wise Woman Center

Herbal Medicine and Women's Spirituality
PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498 ~ phone/fax: 845-246-8081

“You are brilliant, provocative, wild, sensual, and crazy.
My favorite qualities in a woman!”

Moonlodges, work/learn days, and work days are free.
Register via mail or online at

Indented events are Weed’s workshops
away from home.
Please contact sponsors for info.
All other events are at the Wise Woman Center.


April 2: Story-telling Circle at the Virtual Women's Wellness Series; contact
April 19: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Early Spring Group begins (application required)
April 23-24: Work-exchange Weekend
April 29: Moonlodge
April 30: Woodland Wonders: Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica and more.
May 1: Spring Tonics: Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch


May 14-15: Work-exchange Weekend
May 10: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Late Spring Group begins
May 20: Moonlodge
May 21: Lyme: Prevention and help with poke, Hypericum, teasel, knotweed and more clover
May 22: Herbs in Your Garden Hands-on: Best herbs to plant; best weeds to "cultivate" (free plants)
      * * May 27-29: Midwest Women's Herbal Conference - in person -


June 4: Work-exchange Weekend
June 7: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Early Summer Group begins

June 10: Moonlodge
June 11: Herbal Pain Relief: CBD, skullcap, poppies, St. Joan's wort, arnica, meditation, sweet clover
June 12: Anti-inflammatory Herbs: Soothing, cooling allies including linden, ginger, turmeric, willow


July 2-3-4: Work-exchange Weekend
July 5: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Summer Group begins

July 7-10: Green Witch Holiday
July 8: Moonlodge
July 30-31: Work-exchange Weekend


August 1-7: Green Goddess Apprentice Week
August 5: Moonlodge
August 9: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Late Summer Group begins

August 13-14: Work-exchange Weekend
August 19: Moonlodge
August 20: Holy Ferment Hands-on: Taste and make herbal wines, lacto-fermented sauerkraut, yogurt, moree
August 21: The Great Remedies Hands-on: Identify, harvest, prepare and use the greatest herbal remedies.


September 3-5: Work-exchange Weekend
September 6: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Autumn Group begins
      * * Sept 9-11: Goddess Festival with Z Budapest, La Honda, CA -
September 23: Moonlodge
September 24: Mind Bending Plants Hands-ON: Magic mushrooms, psychedelic mints, deadly nightshades
September 25: Magical Plants Hands-On: Visionary herbs, pillows, flying oils, love potions


October 7: Moonlodge
October 8: Seeds & Roots Hands-on: Amaranth, lamb's quarter, plantain, burdock, yellow dock, lots moree
October 9: Adaptogens Hands-on: Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens
      * * October 15: West Virginia herb conference - Contact:


November 4: Moonlodge
November 5-6: Work-exchange Weekend
November 19-20: Work-exchange Weekend


December 3-4: Work-exchange Weekend

Wise Woman Center
Schedule of Events

Susun's away from home
Workshops & Appearances:

contact sponsors for further details and to register

May 27-29: Midwest Women's Herbal Conference - in person -
Sept 9-11: Goddess Festival with Z Budapest, La Honda, CA -
October 15 - West Virginia herb conference - Contact:

More websites on the Wise Woman Web:

Wise Woman Forum

Facebook page

Youtube videos



